About Apracita®

Getting our inventions to market took – and still takes – tremendous effort. While marketing is in our DNA it’s different when you aren’t in a large corporate environment where everyone has their small piece of the work, now you must do everything. So we did what you did – reach out to get some assistance.

From SEO to Google Analytics, Google Ads to organic search we hired a number of PR firms, Digital Marketing Agencies, SEO Managers and the result was the same.

That’s why we created Apracita. We all just need someone who gets you and knows what your next step is without trying to recreate, change too much or spend too much.

Digital Marketing Not Increasing Sales?

You’re passionate about what you’ve created.

You’ve poured your heart and soul into creating your product or service.

It’s a part of you yet it’s not creating the revenue or sales you hoped for or dreamed about.

Connecting Customers To Your Passion

You question yourself, the product, your services. While you have made your dreams a reality you wonder if was worth it. Yet you are now the Entrepreneur, Inventor, the Founder. You are proud of that and still believe – yet ask yourself every moment what else can I do? What have I missed?

If you are a direct to consumer (D2C B2C) let Apracita help you connect to your customers and increase your sales.

Now is the time for you to see the profit, the revenue and rewards for the risks and sacrifices you made. With Apracita beside you, it’s now your time.

Leveraging Your Content

While we can help you get your passion to market, our expertise is in reaching your audience. We focus on the D2C channel. Today social media posts and influencers aren’t enough. We answer the question “How do I stand out from the noise?”

You need real help, not another agency making promises and all they do is spend your limited funding. You want someone who won’t throw everything out that you’ve done and start again. You’ve got great assets and solid material to work with.

It’s time to get the revenues you dream of from your passion.


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Verified Sales Leads

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Driving Monthly Organic Traffic

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Direct Mail List

Our Services

Building Your Direct To Consumer (D2C) Channels

Apracita builds a multi-medium outreach, beyond social media.  What if you could market to that follower base at any time rather than a brief fleeting glimpse that hopefully someone catches on social media? You can control the delivery of more content, more messaging, and see more opportunities through our multi-medium multi-modality strategies. 

Focusing on the direct-to-consumer and B2C space, we’ve helped a wide range of products from food to training, authors and speakers to engineers, we love the high-risk adult only market. Many shy away from NSFW high-risk marketing due to inherent barriers in advertising and marketing. Whether it’s Cannabis, Craft Spirits & Distilleries or Only Fans & Adult toys there are many restrictions on your ability to reach directly to your consumers. Yet that’s where success is. The more difficult it is to use typical platforms the greater our success.  

Strategies that create organic genuine customers.  The ones that share you with their friends.

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Learn how we helped top brands gain success.

We are not going to promise instant results or that we are going to double your revenue overnight, that would be unrealistic and not helpful to you.

Yet we are here to put in the effort in the one area that you are probably the most frustrated with.

If that’s where you are today, talk to us by scheduling a 20-minute free call and let’s find out if it’s something that works for both of us.