About Us

Getting our inventions to market took – and still takes – tremendous effort

While marketing is in our DNA it’s different when you aren’t in a large corporate environment where everyone has their small piece of the work, now you must do everything.  So we did what you did – reach out to get some assistance.  From SEO to Google Analytics, Google Ads to organic search we hired a number of PR firms, Digital Marketing Agencies, SEO Mangers and the result was the same.    Very little.  As Inventors, Entrepreneurs, or having side hustles you are unique.    Service providers have one model, one process that they want to fit you into.    That’s why we created Apracita®. We all just need someone who gets you and knows what your next step is without trying to recreate, change too much or spend too much.   


With more than a combined 40 years in corporations like Microsoft, Starbucks, Honeywell, Salesforce, and many startups; we have seen a lot of different perspectives in the B2C market. Beyond our focus on the D2C space, what makes us unique is that we personally have had thousands of touch points with consumers.  We have spoken directly to them, not some survey or study, tens of thousands of conversations – the type of conversations that give us a sense of their wants, needs and buying decisions in some of their most important choices.  For all of that its still not easy understanding consumer behavior, it varies more than any marketing expert wants you to believe.  Yet we know that and we also know how your USP can be positioned to maximize returns.  

Very few competitors can say that they both successfully brought patented inventions to market and have the deep experience of this many touch points with consumers.   

Get To Know Us Better

Apracita Capture Whats Possible Genoa Martell Founder


Genoa’s perspective living in 3 different countries and working 3 vastly different careers brings a global female perspective as a co-founder of Apracita®.  Always adventuresome in spirit with a strong sense of being able to reinvent herself in different cultures and roles, she tackled her biggest reinvention 5 years ago when Apracita reached market at the same time she was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer.   As a self-funded endeavor, Genoa decided that the time had never been more poignant to push dreams ahead refusing to let cancer be the most interesting thing about her.  Balancing cancer therapy, a corporate career and founder duties is just one path on her interesting journey. Moving Apracita forward, Genoa has been proud to lead a large global corporate teams while juggling the realities of ongoing cancer care and being a business owner focusing on customers and marketing. 
Steffan Martell Apracita Capture Whats Possible


Steffan is a life-long alchemist, inventor and business leader who is addicted to start ups.  Through over 20 years of corporate roles, Steffan was a key leader in product start-ups including leading edge medical devices or industrial products that redefined eco.  Steffan is no stranger to start ups, having previously founded a successful service company that challenged status-quos. Today, Steffan has combined his corporate experience and his entrepreneurial spirit to co-invent, design and produce five unique products.  Not everyone can do something that truly defines who they are, and having witnessed so many individuals struggling to find understanding and meaning, Steffan took the bold step to walk away from corporate life and sink himself into creating a company the supports Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Start-ups and Small Businesses capture whats possible .  Steffan has meshed every aspect of his career into Apracita from marketing to engineering, design to chemistry, production to sales.   

Our Values


We set the standard for intelligence purposeful design, prioritizing human delight over mechanization

Industry Leading Products

Our industry-leading products are developed for every global citizen, to increase personal value through reducing motion and time waste, surpassing our competitors in quality, value and sustainability


Our profitable fiscal corporate performance enables research & development, supports our communities and returns shareholder investment

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Learn how we helped top brands gain success.

We are not going to promise instant results or that we are going to double your revenue overnight, that would be unrealistic and not helpful to you.

Yet we are here to put in the effort in the one area that you are probably the most frustrated with.

If that’s where you are today, talk to us by scheduling a 20-minute free call and let’s find out if it’s something that works for both of us.