How Many Sales Leads Do I Need?

You know how much profit you want to generate, or you know your revenue and at the very least “you know your nut” – you know how much it costs to keep the doors open.   Yet …

Have you ever thought about how many sales leads that takes? 

We have developed a simple sales lead calculator for you to input your desired profit, your sales lead conversion rate and your average sale amount.  From there we will tell you how many sales leads you need. If you don’t know your conversion rate, take a look through your Google Analytics or your favorite analytic tools, and see how many visitors wind up at your point of sale.  Don’t have that?  Reach out and connect with us so we can help you build the metrics.   

Unfortunately, if you don’t like your sales lead conversion rate, the reality is that this is one of the most difficult numbers to move.  Insurance companies, cellular network providers, and even Coke and Pepsi, spend millions of dollars a year trying to move the needle 0.1%.  So, while there are events like going viral or getting Oprah to put your product on her list that may move your sales lead conversion rate, those are the effective equivalent of being struck by lightning 🌩️   Not something you want to happen but kind of cool when it does 😉

If you still don’t know your sales lead conversion rate, there are many web searches you can run to see your industry’s average, most sales lead conversion rates are typically 1.6% for ecommerce and generally 2.36% otherwise, and you are absolutely crushing it if you achieve a 5% sales lead conversion rate.  So, if you don’t know your sales lead conversion rate, we recommend you put a number between 1.6% and 2.36% in the calculator. 

This isn’t about how many touchpoints or outreaches you need; this is about how many prospects at the top of the funnel you need.  Realizing how difficult sales lead conversion numbers are to move, your best choice is to put more prospects in the top of the funnel.   

So what is a sales lead? We would define a sales lead or prospect customer in this calculator as a buyer who has learned about you through a unique website visit, a unique social media view, email marketing or events for example.  Yet be careful a unique prospect is different from a prospect who has multiple touch points, so that unique visitor to your website doesn’t count twice if they look at your social media post – it only counts once.  How many touchpoints you need is an entirely different topic – subscribe to our Capture What’s Possible community below if you want to know more.   

Otherwise enjoy our sales lead calculator, we recommend you’re sitting down when you do this 😜🤯 

Happy Sales Lead Generation! 🙌

Total sales leads needed annually:

Annual sales needed:

Needed annual gross revenue:

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